The website contains excepts from the book (which is less than $40).  The parts I
read seemed like reasonable and good advice, e.g., make a good impression on your
professor, turn home work in on time, contribute to class discussion.



> ****** Forwarded Message Follows *******
> >Hi Tipsters,
> I received this note from an unknown source (presumably a student).  My initial
> reaction is to be very skeptical of this "study-aid."  But before I jump to
> conclusions, has anyone heard of this website before or heard any stories from
> students who ordered this book?
> Amy Hackney
> St. Louis University
> >
> >Hey,
> >
> >Just thought I'd send you a quick message to let
> >you know about a site designed to help college
> >students improve their grades and get more out
> >of the college experience.
> >
> >You can find out how to learn more efficiently,
> >improve study skills, have more free time,
> >conquer test anxiety, win scholarships and
> >much, much more.
> >
> >For more details, visit:
> >
> >
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >J.
> >
> >

Marie Helweg-Larsen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Transylvania University
300 North Broadway
Lexington, KY 40503
Office: (606) 281-3656
Web page:

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