On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Paul Brandon wrote:

> Wish I had a good answer!
> I suspect that you've just taken the best tack; surveying TIPS!
> One good marker -- the reduction in the number of companies manufacturing
> student-level equipment for animal labs.

I sent this in a private message to Linda, but I probably should share it
here as well:

This has been a topic of heated discussion recently on the Animal Learning
and Behavior listserver.  I am forwarding Linda's message to that list,
and I will report responses back here if people are interested.

My sense of the discussion on that list so far:

Lots of larger schools have eliminated animal labs, but they survive at
many smaller liberal arts colleges (and in fact thrive there).  

We have a very successful undergraduate animal lab here at Illinois
Wesleyan (an introductory course, and advanced course, plus lots of
independent study options).  It is a popular course, and the students (I
think) get a lot out of it.

-- Jim Dougan

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