Hello all.  I am currently beginning the preparation of a proposal for a
new text in Introductory Psychology.  There are a few issues on which
I'd like to get the opinion of Psychology instructors more generally.
If you can find a minute or two, could you please complete the brief
survey included at the very end of this message.  It shouldn't take too
long.  You can email responses to me off-list at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I will
later share a summary of responses with the list.
Thank you for your time and attention.

Matthew I. Isaak, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, NY 14623


1 Do you teach in a 2-year college, a 4-year college, or a research
2 Is your college or university public or private?
3 Would you describe your college or university as a liberal arts school
or a technical school?
4 Is your college or university on the quarter system or the semester
5 How long in weeks is the quarter or semester at your college or
6 If you are currently teaching an introductory psychology course, or
have taught one within the past two years, which text do/did you use?
7 What do you perceive as the strengths and weaknesses of this text?
8 What deficiencies, if any, do you perceive in the introductory texts
you’re familiar with? What sources of dissatisfaction do you have (if
any) with respect to contemporary introductory psychology texts?
9 In your opinion, how well do the introductory texts you’re most
familiar with:
    a Stimulate critical thinking?
    b Encourage integration across the different areas of psychology?
    c Encourage respect for and commitment to Psychology as a discipline
or field of scientific inquiry?
10 In your opinion, how well does the introductory course in your
department prepare students for upper-level courses in psychology? How
might the introductory course better prepare students for their more
advanced courses in psychology?
11 Which of the following upper-level courses are offered in your
department? (You can simply supply the letters in response).
    a Biopsych./Neuropsych./Physiological
    b Sensation and Perception
    c Research Methods/Experimental Design
    d Learning/Behavior Mod/Learning & Memory
    e States of Consciousness
    f Cognitive Psych
    g Psych of Language
    h Intelligence
    i Psychological Testing/Assessment
    j Motivation
    k Personality
    l Abnormal
    m Intro to Clinical/Therapy/Counseling
    n Social
    o Child/Adolescent
    p Adulthood/Aging
    q I/O
    r Enviromental/Community Psych.
    s Psych. Of  Women/Gender/Sexuality
    t History & Systems

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