Hi Folks,

I just thought I'd pass on this information from the TOP News (for those
who don't receive it).


    The Society for the Teaching of Psychology is pleased to announce
the establishment of PsychTeacher, a moderated discussion list for high
school and college/university teachers of psychology. The list is owned
and operated by the Society for the Teaching of Psychology and is hosted
by Kennesaw State University. PsychTeacher is designed to be focused
list rather than a freewheeling discussion list on any topic.  The
discussion list will focus on topics such as: (a)requests for or
suggested ideas for teaching a specific course or content material
(e.g., demos that work, resource material, answers to student questions,
lecture ideas or resources, etc.); (b)discussion of general
instructional issues that cross over different courses (e.g., handling
academic dishonesty, make-up exams, using technology to teach, research
using the WWW, etc.); (c)discussion of issues not directly related to
classroom instruction, but closely tied to teaching in general (e.g.,
advising students on career options); (d)announcements of interest to
the group and directly related to teaching (e.g., TV programs, teaching
conferences or workshops); and (e)specific requests for help or
information to assist in teaching a course or topic (e.g., references on
a topic, where you can find a video or equipment, etc.).  In addition,
each month, an invited guest article on a topic related to the teaching
of psychology will be posted to the list.  List members will be invited
to respond to the article.  To subscribe to PsychTcachcr send the
following message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]: subscribe psychteacher
yourfirstname yoursecondname.  For additional information or if you have
a problem in subscribing to PsychTeacher, contact Bill Hill

Linda M. Woolf, Ph.D.
Associate Professor - Psychology
Webster University

Main Webpage:  http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/
Holocaust and Genocide Studies Pages:
Womens' Pages:  http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/women.html
Gerontology Pages:  http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/gero.html


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