Michael Sylvester wrote:

While I was discussing dyslexia,a student mentioned in class 
that quite frequently she would find herself phrasing words in 
the incorrect sequence....(snip)...Seems like a cross between 
verbal dyslexia and Tourettes'.

**Hi Michael,

**I'm no expert on dyslexia, but I know a thing or two about
**Tourette's, and the verbal behavior you describe has 
**absolutely *no* similarity to the impulsivity that is characteristic
**of some vocal tics.  As a side note, which very few 
**appreciate, although vocal tics are a defining feature of TS
**(according to DSM), the most common vocal tics are grunting
**sniffing, throat clearing, and squeaking.  A MINORITY of
**TS patients exhibit the most famous/sensational symptoms 
**of coprolalia (impulsive/uncontrollable blurting of inappropriate
**words or phrases).  The most recent estimates I've read put
**the incidence of coprolalia at only about 10% of TS cases.


Michael J. Kane
Psychology Department
Georgia State University
University Plaza
Atlanta, GA 30303-3083
phone: 404-651-0704
fax: 404-651-0753

"It is morally as bad not to care whether a thing
  is true or not, so long as it makes you feel good, 
  as it is not to care how you got your money as 
  long as you have it."
                                                     -- E.W. Teale

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