The Department of Psychology at NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY invites
applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in
cognitive psychology, beginning Fall, 2000.  Successful candidates
should have a demonstrated record of scientific research, although
areas of specialization within cognitive psychology are open.  The
ideal candidate would also be comfortable teaching experimental
methods/ analysis of variance at the graduate level.  The individualÕs
research and interests should complement the departmentÕs strengths in
conducting basic and applied research in cognitive, engineering, and
social psychology.  We have excellent facilities and links to the
Computing Research Laboratory (a research and development facility
devoted to computational linguistics and human-computer interaction
issues).  Come to the sunny southwest and contribute to our strong
program!  Review of applications will begin on January 15 and will
continue until the position is filled.  Please send a vita, a letter
describing research and teaching interests, relevant reprints or
preprints of completed research, and three letters of recommendation
to: Cognitive Search Committee, Psychology Dept. 3452/Box 30001, New
Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003.  Our web address is:  New Mexico State University is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

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