On Mon, 03 Jan 2000 15:04:06 -0500 Miguel Roig 

> Happy Y2K everyone.
> There is a course in C++ that I will be able to audit next semester.  Is C++ a
> useful language for these purposes?


I learned to program in C after much frustration with BASIC and 
FORTRAN.  C is an extremely powerful and flexible language.  C++ 
is a superset and has some additional features that are probably 
not that relevant to you.

I would recommend learning the language.  Also I would recommend 
going to the instructor and explaining how you are going to use 
the language by describing a simple experiment.  Much of what I 
suspect you want to do concerns time-critical input/output 
operations whereas the typical programming course is heavy on 
"data structure" and database manipulations.  The instructor 
should be able to let you know where the course is going too 
lightly or too heavily over topics of interest to you.

printf("Good Luck!"\n);


Kenneth M. Steele                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Associate Professor
Dept. of Psychology
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608

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