
Do students in your department develop portfolios with representations of
their academic achievements?  Would you care to share the information
you have?  Most of the books and articles I have seen appear to be geared
for secondary education, although I have found the following articles:

Beers, S. (1985). Use of a portfolio writing assignment in a course on
developmental psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 12, 94-96.

Brown, R. & Citrin, R. (1999). A student development transcript:
Assumptions, uses, and formats. Journal of College Student Development,
40, 504-509.

Rickabaugh, C. (1993).  The psychology portfolio: Promoting writing and
critical thinking about psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 20, 170-172.

Sweidel, G. (1996). Study strategy portfolio: A project to enhance study
skills and time management. Teaching of Psychology, 23, 246-248.

Tierney, R., Clark, C., Fenner, L., Herter, R., Staunton-Simpson, C.,
Wiser, B. (1998). Theory and research into practice: Portfolios:
Assumptions, tensions, and possibilities. Reading Research Quarterly, 33,

Thanks for your help,


Daniel J. Kruger
Loyola University Chicago

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