On Sat, 4 Mar 2000, Cheryl Schwartz wrote:

> Dear Fellow TIPsters:
>       Why is everyone so upset?  Is it because he used forbidden 4-letter words?  
> Is it because he was not "PC" in noting that certain cultural groups at his 
> school seem to be over represented as cheaters?  (I've heard stories like 

In a follow up post he also made derogatory ethnic comments about
list members.

That is beyond PC


> --Cheryl
> ************************************************************
>                  Cheryl Schwartz, Ph.D.
>                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                            OR
>                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      --------------------------------------------------
>          If logic is in the eye of the logician,
>          then is wit in the eye of the wittician?
> ************************************************************
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Annette Taylor, Ph. D.
Department of Psychology                E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of San Diego                 Voice:   (619) 260-4006
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA  92110

                "Education is one of the few things a person
                 is willing to pay for and not get."
                                                -- W. L. Bryan

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