Interestingly I copied the illusion and thought I sent it as a rich text
format.  My email systems automatically decodes attachments so I am never
aware that it is an attachment.

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Likely" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2000 3:48 PM
Subject: Illusion d'optique attachment

> I'll join Ken Steele in admiring Ron's illusion, but (forgive
> me Ron) I really wish people wouldn't send attachments
> of any sort (even text ones -- never did understand why
> people do that).  I'm not sure that TIPS has an explicit
> rule against it.  Some other lists certainly do -- if you want
> to send pictures or whatever, you must either ask people
> to make particular requests, or you can put 'em on a
> web page and send people the URL -- violators are kicked
> out.  The problem is, of course, that some kinds of attachments
> can carry viruses or 'worms,' whether the sender knows that
> they are there or not. I usually don't fool around -- I just
> delete any TIPS with an attachment (except for posts from
> known TIPSters who habitually attach text files -- but even
> then, I don't much like to have to think about which kind
> of attachments are which while handling a lot of mail, so I
> may be missing some of those, too.)
> -David (the Ingrate) Likely
> Kenneth M. Steele wrote:
> > Ron Blue posted an interesting optical illusion ...snip...
> > Kenneth M. Steele                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ===========================================================
>         David G. Likely, Department of Psychology,
>         University of New Brunswick
>         Fredericton,  N. B.,  E3B 5A3  Canada
> History of Psychology:
> ===========================================================

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