>She suggested that the condition
>might arise if sleep is frequently interupted.  Under these conditions you
>would be more likely to remember dreams.  The Chinese 'medicine'
>explanation would then be confusing cause and effect.  That is, something
>(etiology unknown) causes frequent sleep disruptions and as a result you
>end up remembering a lot of your dreams.  When I talk to the student I'll
>also try to find out the "cure" for this malady.

Anecdote: I've had this happen to me, and I would explain it exactly 
as described above (frequent sleep disruptions, being awake just long 
enough to notice being awake and then falling asleep again, causing 
both more dreams and awareness of the dreams). It would seem as if I 
had anywhere between 20 - 100 dreams in a night (just guessing at the 
numbers, and each seemed more like a dream segment than a nice long 
dream). Personally, I didn't find it distressing. No unusual 
chemicals involved.

     --> Mike O.

  Michael S. Ofsowitz
   University of Maryland - European Division

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