As co-chair of the steering committee for a regional teaching conference,
I'd like to share news of our upcoming conference. Please share the
information with interested colleagues.


Diane Finley
Community College of Baltimore County, Catonsville

The Mid-Atlantic Teaching of Psychology Fourth Annual COnfernece will be
held Friday OCtober 6 at Trinity College in Washington DC.It is
co-sponsored by the Council of Teachers of Undergraduate Psychology,
Eastern Region. 
The keynote speaker is Dr. Charles Brewer from Furman University. The
foucs will be on diversity issues in teaching. Other presenters scheduled
to present include Dr. Heather Gitlin from the Educational Testing Service
and Dr. Carlota O'Campo from Trinity College.
Conference registration is $25 before 9/16 and $30.00 at the door. Contact is Dr. 
Deborah Harris
O'Brien at Department of Psychology, Trinity College, 125 Michigan Ave NE
Washington DC 20017. Email contacts: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Diane

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