Hi all - just wanted to share a quick and fun activity for sensation and
perception.  In order to demonstrate self-adaptation in olfactory sense,
I took into class a few sets of the scented markers (you know, the ones
with the fruity smells).  It worked really well and they enjoyed it
thoroughly.  We then launched into a discussion about adaptation when
you're sitting on a plane next to someone who hasn't showered in awhile
(VERY relevant here in Alaska where you will always come across these
passengers and plane rides can be very long; EVERYONE up here has
experienced it, making it quite relevant to every student!).

I'm sure there are all sorts of activities out there (and would love to
hear them); just wanted to share a quick one that worked super duper!

Dani' K. Raap, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
University of Alaska Fairbanks
P.O. Box 756480
Fairbanks, AK  99775-6480
fax (907)474-5781

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