It has been thirty years since I taught a history class so I will accept
Thomas Huxley as Darwin's bulldog.

Ron Blue

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Likely" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2000 7:47 PM
Subject: Spencer: Stupid of me...

> Sally, Ron, et alia --
> Idiotic of me -- I plead old age and posting before coffee.
> The URL in my last e-mail is about Galton, not Herbert
> Spencer -- "Janine" hasn't done a theme on Spencer yet.
> He is mentioned a bit in the evolution  lectures:
> By the way, Ron, "Darwin's bulldog" was Thomas Huxley. (All
> those 19th Century British guys, apparently, look the same
> to
> me, too, on occasion.)
> -David
> ===========================================================
>         David G. Likely, Department of Psychology,
>         University of New Brunswick
>         Fredericton,  N. B.,  E3B 5A3  Canada
> History of Psychology:
> ===========================================================

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