

I don’t know much about Allyn & Bacon’s services, but I recently spoke with someone at McGraw-Hill and learned of their PageOut service, which basically involves them setting up a web page for you when you use one of their books. The main benefits to this that you don’t necessarily have by creating your own web page is that (1) they provide links for students to material relevant to each chapter in the book you’re using, (2) they provide a “bulletin board” area in which you can post issues for discussion and then your students can comment as they wish.  This may be a nice tool for extra credit, although I haven’t tried it yet.  Overall, the setup seemed like it was very well thought out, and it’s certainly worth looking into if you’re thinking about using one of their texts.  For more info, go to



Jon I.



Jonathan L. Iuzzini

Department of Psychology

Texas A&M University

College Station, TX 77843





Office phone: (979) 845-2589

Office fax: (979) 845-4727



-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-        ]On Behalf Of Mark Eastman
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 12:31 PM
Subject: McGraw Hill vs. Allyn and Bacon


I haven't received too many responses to my inquiry regarding using Santrock vs. Zimbardo for introductory texts.  In a broader context of working with the publishers, what feedback can anyone on the list provide about McGraw Hill vs. Allyn and Bacon?



Mark Eastman

Diablo Valley College

Pleasant Hill, CA

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