This is where the problem lies IMHO.  Some places are not just hiring a few
really good adjuncts - but rather relying on poorly paid migrant teachers.  
Teaching six classes a year at 1,500 per class  would  allow a new Ph.D. to
pay 750 a month on their student loans (which might be a minimum payment
for a loan of 50,000).  If this person wants to eat  (beans) & pay rent the
number of classes to teach per year rises to 14.   Since its unlikely that
one school can offer someone 14 courses per year, the teacher in question
must travel to the various locations.  Doen't leave a lot of time for
decent prep work.

At 09:40 AM 4/27/2000 -0500, Paul Brandon wrote:

>Most faculty members would agree with this.
>Unfortunately, too many administraitors fell that, 'like other businesses',
>they can maximize profits by hiring part time and temp workers whenever

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