I am not able to access the full on-line obituary which I did read this morning
from my paper version of the NY Times, but: 

John Wilder Tukey, one of the most influential statisticians of the last 50
years and a wide-ranging thinker credited with inventing the word "software,"
died on July 26 in New Brunswick, N.J. He was 85.

If you get a chance try to read it.  Obviously, he was a very interesting fellow.


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Miguel Roig, Ph.D.                      Voice: (718) 390-4513 
Assoc. Prof. of Psychology              Fax: (718) 442-3612 
Dept. of Psychology                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
St. John's University                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
300 Howard Avenue                       http://area51.stjohns.edu/~roig    
Staten Island, NY 10301           
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