Here at K-State, we have an excellent neuroscience
program. Dr. Stephen Kiefer and Dr. Becky Brockel are the neuroscience
faculty. They are both very active in their research and both have
grant-funded research. Dr. Kiefer's lab does alcohol research in rats and
Dr. Brockel's lab does lead toxin research in rats. Your student can find
out more by emailing them. Their email addresses are located at the
department website. You can just go into K-State's homepage and access it
from there. The website address is

Nina L. Tarner                            $
Graduate Student in Animal Learning       $       Kansas State University
Department of Psychology                  $        Manhattan, KS. 66506
539 Bluemont Hall                         $         (785) 532-6850 (msg)
email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     $         (785) 532-7004 (fax)

On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, Traci Giuliano wrote:

> Hey Tipsters -
>   I have an excellent student who is interested in applying to grad programs
> in Behavioral Neuroscience, but since this is outside of my area, I'm not
> sure which direction to point her in.
> Can any of you recommend good programs for her to explore, as well as web
> sites, listserves, or any other sources of useful information? Thanks 
> in advance; I really appreciate it!
>                 \\|||//
>                 ( o o )
> -------------o00-(_)-00o------------------
> Traci A. Giuliano
> Department of Psychology
> Southwestern University
> Georgetown, TX  78627
> (512) 863-1596;fax 863-5788
> --------------------------------------------

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