My students enjoyed this exercise and retained the skills and target
message of the experience.  The goal of the study was to test reliability
and validity of any test from a popular magazine- like Glamour, Cosmo, etc.
They were to select one of those quizes, retype it, and collect data from
20 other folks. A week later, they were to get the same folks to answer the
questions again. They analyzed the test-retest data for reliability.  The
students did item analysis using SPSS on the questions from one time of
testing for validity. Then, they created Powerpoint presentations for their
classmates, boardroom style. They described the instrument, including
sample questions with options. Many noted how the options were worded.
They gave the self-scoring technique from the magazine and the suggested
implications from scoring categories. The students presented descriptive
data with histograms, using the Chart tool (Excel format) in Powerpoint.
They presented means and standard deviations with SPSS and compared those
measures with the scoring categories recommended by the magazine. The
scoring categories in the magazine were usually way out of balance, and
often ridiculous. I can assure you that, in conclusion, surveys were
nowhere near valid and provided a source of extreme humor.  My students
commented on how many people take those surveys seriously, and make life
changing decisions based on their outcomes. 

At 10:57 AM 9/1/00 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I am going to teach Tests & Measurements and have the test Psychological 
>Testing by Anastasi and Urbina.  I have never taught this before.  Any 
>suggests would be appreciated.  Also, when I took the class I remember that 
>we each were assigned a test/measurement to research and report on in
>We also took the Shipley, MMPI, etc.  How do I go about getting copies of 
>these instruments for the students or is that possible anymore?  Thanks for 
>any feedback.  Nina
>Nina Barnes, Ph.D.
Dr. Joyce Johnson
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Developmental/ Experimental
Centenary College of Louisiana
PO Box 41188
2911 Centenary Blvd.
Shreveport, LA 71134-1188
homepage: <>
office 318 869 5253
FAX 318 869 5004 Attn: Dr Johnson, Psychology

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