Do any of you folks have to teach using syllabi, reading materials, 
assignments, or other course-related materials that were designed by 
other teachers (or say, a departmental committee)?

I've been told that course standardization - meaning standardized 
syllabi, assignments, reading materials, etc. - is pretty common in 
schools these days. Is it? (It's a point of contention between some 
faculty at my school and some administrators.)

I'd be grateful for any feedback (send it to me and I'll eventually 
compile it for the list).

Do you write your own syllabus? Do you teach any courses where it's 
written for you by someone else?

Do you select your own reading materials? Do you teach courses where 
they are preselected?

Do you devise your own assignments? Do you teach courses where you 
are required to give pre-designed assignments?

Any other data that might help me on this (e.g., course level, 
enrollments, type of college, impressions of what's the norm) is also 
appreciated - like I said, it's just for an internal argument, so 
I'll keep this pretty informal. (If any of you know about a study 
done on this sort of thing, please pass along the reference.)


         --> Mike O.

  Michael S. Ofsowitz
   University of Maryland - European Division

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