A friend who suffers migraines tells me that she heard botulism injections are also 
being touted as a mirgraine cure.  If the botulism injections temporarily paralyze the 
nerves in the muscles that produce frowns (is this indeed what happens?), then it 
appears to be a less drastic way to arrive at the same conclusion.  The downside is 
that the injections are temporary in nature and relatively expensive for a long-term 
treatment.  The upside is that they are a temporary fix and be stopped at any time.  
Anyone ever heard of this?  

Margie Stinson                  
Adjunct Faculty, Lee College
Huntsville, Texas
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 1:10 PM
> To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Current issues in Psychology; TIPS
> Subject:      Fw: MSN Health - Strange migraine cure
> >
> >  http://content.health.msn.com/content/article/1728.60732
> >
> Report: Plastic surgeons are stumped by an accidental discovery that cutting
> the muscles used to create the wrinkles associated with a frown stops
> migraines.
> Comment:
> It is well know in psychology that a smile will reduce depression even if
> the smile is forced by biting a pencil.
> It makes logical sense that muscles that are related to migraines that can
> not be activated and can not provide confirmation of a painful frown from a
> migraine would reduce or control migraines.
> The underlying reason in my opinion is the brain processes inform and stores
> it as correlational opponent wavelet filter which interacts with a stimulus
> wavelet.  It does this through associational reciprocal inhibition and is
> highly sensitive to the weighted experiences of the past.  By cutting the
> muscles this shift the processing of current information away from the area
> of the brain where high neural interaction associated with migraines would
> be stored (technically speaking it is not stored there because it is
> holographic).  Using the same logic, one could use plastic surgery to
> tighten the same muscles so that a frown was always present.  This should
> cause an increase in migraines.   If this was done and the muscles were cut
> later the pain reduction from migraines should be significantly higher.
> Ron Blue
> http:://turn.to/ai
> correlational opponent processing

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