Dear Tipsters:
Concerning women Gestalt theoriciens, there is an English paper by Helga
Sprung (Frei Universitat, Berlin), Lothar Sprung (Humboldt University) and
William Woodward (University of New Hampshire) entitled "Woman in the
History of German-speaking Psychology: the model of Kurt Leswin's research
group in Berlin". I was published in Cuadernos Argentinos de Historia de la
Psicología, vol 1 (1995), pp 61-82. 
I don't know if you can find in that paper any "prominent" women Gestalt
theoreticians, but, at least, it  points out an important group of female
doctoral students, among others Bluma Zeigarnik, which did their
dissertations at the Department of Psychology at the University of Berlin,
between 1923 and 1933, with the Gestalt psychologist Kurt Lewin.
I am the editor of the Journal and, because of the distance of my country,
I guess it must be almost unknown and that it must be very difficult to
obtanin the Journal in US libraries. But I may attach an electronic version
of the paper to any tiplisters that wants or needs it. 

And  concerning the Tenerife "laboratory", where Kohler researched with
apes, there are a very important bibliography in Spanish, due of the fact
of the geographical situation of such institution, althoug it depended of
Prusian government.
This is the first time I send a message to the list. I hope it was no to long.
Sincerely yours,

Prof. Hugo Klappenbach
-  Researcher at National Council of Scientific and Technical Research
-  Full Professor at National University of San Luis 
-  Chairman of the Undergraduate Programme on Psychology. National
University of San Luis 
-  Editor of "Cuadernos Argentinos de Historia de la Psicología"
-  Liaison in Argentina of Division 52 -International Division-, American
Psychological Association
-  Chairman of Task Force on History of Psychology, Interamerican Society
of Psychology
-  Ex- Member of the Executive Board of the Argentine Psychological
Association (FEPRA)
-  Ex- Member of the Directive Board of the Buenos Aires Psychological
Association (APBA)
-  Ex- Vice-Dean of School of Human Sciences. National UNiversity of San
Luis, Argentina

At 15:06 15/09/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>did I read somewhere that the original Gestaltists formulated the gestalt
>principles while riding the railway trains of Europe?
>And didn't one of those dudes (Koehler?) formulated the idea of
>insight learning (Aha! experience) while abandoned on an island-
>observing monkeys using sticks to get at bananas?
>He must have pre-dated the current surivors' episodes.
>Btw,while on this subject of Gestalt Psycholgy,(free associating)
>are there any prominent women Gestalt theoreticians?
>It seems that European and Canadian Schools of Psychology are dominated
>by men.
>Michael Sylvester,PhD
>Daytona Beach,Florida

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