Matthew Raney asks:

>Does anyone know if reinforcement schedules (i.e., continuous,
>fixed/variable-ratio/interval) also apply to punishment?

The only schedule of punishment that works is a continuous schedule.
Partial schedules inadvertantly end up as partial reinforcement schedules
for the target behavior because they create situations in which the target
behavior occurs and is _not_  punished (i.e., the behavior is sometimes
followed by the omission or avoidance of a punisher).  This is why we
stress that when punishers are used to eliminate a behavior they must be
delivered consistently - every time the target behavior occurs.  This is
one reason why the use of punishment is discouraged -- it is so hard to
administer an effective punishment schedule correctly.



Claudia J. Stanny, Ph.D.                e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Psychology                Phone:  (850) 474 - 3163
University of West Florida              FAX:    (850) 857 - 6060
Pensacola, FL  32514 - 5751     


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