----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: Please help us.

> Greetings Tipsters,
> We are four undergraduate students who are conducting a research
> on free word recall with different types of music.  Can any of you help us
> with the following topics:
> 1.  Operational definition of positive and negative words.

An operational definition of positive and negative words is to chose a list
of word that
may be negative or positive and define their relative negativeness or
positive by using
an Osgood scale of good 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 bad relative to a standardization

By using the  lowest scoring words for positive and the highest scoring
words for negative
you can now start your research.  I would prefer 30 words for each catagory.
This may not
be practical in your research design.

Make sure you do this only with people who know one language.  Words will
generate different
meaning across languages.  An example is Cat for Americans vrs Spanish
speaking people.
Any word can be discribed by thousand of dichotyom relationships.  Different
cultures view
events differently and can not translated equally.

Ron Blue

> 2.  Examples of positive and negative word lists.
> 3.  Are there any past studies regarding the relationship between free
> recall of positive and negative words in correlation with different types
> of music?
> We would really appreciate any insight that you can provide for us.
> Thank you,
> Nick Mavetz, Mary Short, Amy Ward, and Matt Wheeler
> <snip>

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