I can not cite my sources.  The Escher picture of angels/demons is an
example of reversal of figure and ground.
Using the young woman/ugly hag picture to discover if positive image (young
woman) or negative image (old hag) would be reported suggest that it had no
relationship to self esteem.

The data suggested that where the person first focused their eyes was
critical in how they collapsed the vague image into a gestalt.

The idea of priming the brain with positive words or negative words to
discover if it can change the frequency
of perception into a positive or negative direction may have merit.  My
model Correlational Opponent Processing (http://turn.to/ai) suggest that
such a procedure may work.  Results like this was reported by using color
and music to effect taste and odor perception.

Ron Blue

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 5:36 PM
Subject: gender/memory

> I have a student (highschool) who is doing an experiment but is having
trouble finding any previous studies to cite.  I think he (and I) may be
using inappropriate keywords.  A brief description of his experiment is:  He
will show a vague picture (with light and dark images, angels and demons,
etc) to a group of males and females.  His hypothesis is that females will
recall more positive images and the males will recall negative images.  Any
studies he has found thus far are not relevant.  They do not discuss the
positive or negative image recall.  Any advice on better keywords or titles?
Thank you in advance.
> India Barrigton

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