Last chance to help a doddering old professor:  I've reviewed the following
animal behavior texts and find all of them to be inadequate on one or
several dimensions: 

Siiter is too low level, too heavy on primates (4/16 chapters) and has
virtually NO discussion of behavioral endocrinology. 

Goodenough, et al. is written for biology majors and too molecular
Maier is written for biology majors and too molecular

Alcock is written for biology majors and has too great an emphasis on
insects.  Let's face it, psych majors want vertebrates. 

Are there ANY other animal behavior texts out there?  Book orders are due
soon and I'll be very unhappy if I have to go with one of these.  And not
having taught the course in 15 years I'd really like a good book!!! 
Edward I. Pollak, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, 
West Chester Univ. of PA, West Chester, PA 19383 
Shameless self promotion:  The Mill Creek Bluegrass Band performs every
Tuesday night at Dugal's Inn, Mortonville, PA. Call 610- 486-0953 for

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