Enclosed is a copy of my most recent syllabus for an ESP course.  I have
taught this course off and on for perhaps 20 years.   (Some of the
assignments are specific to Semester at Sea, an around-the-world voyage
visiting 10 countries.  But the readings should be useful.)

Donald McBurney
University of Pittsburgh

BTW, Semester at Sea generally takes a psychologist, who must be prepared to
teach three regular University of Pittsburgh psychology courses, but geared
to the voyage.  It is an exciting, but exhausting trip.  You are together
with 600 students for 100 days.

Marie Helweg-Larsen wrote:

> Hi Tipsters
> I'm thinking about teaching a new (for me) course on Parapsychology
> during our 4 week May term session. I would love to see syllabi from
> those of you who have taught a course like this in the past. I'd also
> like to hear suggestions about interactive features (other than students
> presentations, discussions, videos and lecture). Lexington is not
> exactly the hotbed of quacks who might come to class and speak to us.
> Any suggestions for speakers or travel to relevant sites would be most
> welcome.
> Thanks
> Marie
> Marie Helweg-Larsen, Ph.D.
> Transylvania University
> Lexington, KY


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