The student isn't saying that the text is racist, rather that the 
graphic could be used out of context.  (I can think of a ~lot~ of 
things that would be damning if taken out of context -- not a 
compelling argument, to me.)

Here is the entire article from this week's (Nov 13) Community 
College Week:

Student Protests Controversial Text

Pendleton, Ore. -- A Blue Mountain Community College student says 
administrators have not discontinued use of a psychology textbook he 
found racially discriminatory, as they had agreed to.

Michael Nathan, 48, of Hermiston, has dropped out of school, saying 
he is disappointed the book was still in use.

"They promised in writing they would stop using the book," he said.  
"When they didn't do it, it was slap (sic) in my face."

Nathan, who is black, said the school agreed last spring not to use 
the textbooks this fall.

The books are still in use, but will be replaced during the winter 
term, said Nicki Harrington, president of the community college.

Under the terms of the agreement, Nathan received $10,000 and was 
given free tuition for the spring term.  He would have received free 
tuition for the fall and winter terms had he continued taking 

The book is the 1999 edition of Introduction to Psychology written by 
Rod Plotnik.  In one section, the text describes the work of a 19th 
century scientist who believed that blacks had smaller brain sizes 
than other races.

A graphic that accompanies the text shows four skulls in descending 
size: Caucasian, Mongolian, Native American and black.

The text explains that modern science makes no distinction between 
brain size and race, but Nathan said the graphic could be used out of 
context to promote racist ideas.

Sue Frantz                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Assistant Professor of Psychology      Office: (505) 439-3731
New Mexico State Univ - Alamogordo     Fax: (505) 439-3802
Alamogordo, NM  88310        

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