At 8:19 AM -0500 12/13/00, Michael Sylvester wrote:
>On Mon, 11 Dec 2000, Shearon, Tim wrote:
>>  Michael-
>> I do not think you've understood Guthrie's point. It seems to me his point
>> is that the rat was WHITE as in white. He is pointing out that the history
>> of psychology may be dominated by ideas and even our studies may be
>> populated by persons and ideas which derive from and are supportive of
>> primarily western European and US perspecitves. Thus, whether you agree with
>> his assessment or even his premise, he is not talking about domestication vs
>> wild. I'll leave comments to others on domestication being one of the
>> preconditions for learning.
>> Tim Shearon
>     I have gone further in analyzing

Shouldn't you say 'deconstructing'?

>the book than most people do.
>      The White rat is the quintessential domesticated breed
>      for Eurocentric based learning experiments.One can argue that
>      there are levels of domestication with the Eurocentric
>      domain at the pinnacle.
>      Just as there are Neo-Freudians,I guess I can be labelled
>      a Neo-Guthrian-building on his premise but extending it.
>Happy Holidays. Am going underground,will resurface with post in

Promises, promises ;-)

* PAUL K. BRANDON               [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *
* Psychology Dept       Minnesota State University, Mankato *
* 23 Armstrong Hall, Mankato, MN 56001      ph 507-389-6217 *
*    *

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