> Hello -
>   I am hoping that some of my more experienced colleagues can offer me some 
> advice regarding a student request.
> The student in question has written me regarding a class he took from 
> me  more than 4 years ago.  the student is now  requesting that I write a 
> letter supporting a retroactive drop of a poor semester, because he failed 
> the other classes which he took that semester. I've never heard of a 
> retroactive drop of a bad semsester.
> This student was very disruptive during the classes which he attended, 
> which were few. a large part of the grade was based on participation which 
> included attendending and contributing in a constructive manner to 
> discussions and class exercises.  I remember having a conversation with him 
> at that time suggesting that he was overcomitted and should drop his 
> courses (since he was doing so poorly)   I was new to teaching and had a 
> very small class and gave him a passing grade - though he should have 
> failed altogether.
> My difficulty with this is that I don't really approve of a retroactive 
> dropping of a poor semester  four years later.  It seems like one more 
> example of lowering the academic expectations, making excuses for students 
> etc.
> On the other hand, perhaps I'm just jealous - there are a few semseters 
> which I'd like to retroactively drop myself.
> tia
> Susan Freedman-Noa
  Quote the student the biblical passage "you shall reap what you

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