Hello tipsters:

Need some information concerning the following:

1) Recent studies comparing psychotherapy with medication as treatment for 
depression. I was under the impression that psychotherapy is not really an 
effective treatment for moderate to severe treatment - at least not by 
itself.  Someone claimed otherwise to me - that psychotherapy is as good if 
not better than medication. Can anyone support this for me, or enlighten me 
if I am wrong?

2)The case that the movie "Sybil" was based on - I had heard that it had been 
debunked, shown to be fabricated.  Can anyone confirm this?

3) I read in an intro psych textbook a claim based on some 1998 data that 
"youth violence is rising dramatically in the USA." I also thought I had 
heard, based on more recent data, that this claim is mostly a media artifact, 
that most violent crime in this country is either adult-adult or adult 
perpetrated on child. Can anyone help me out with some reliable data?

Thanks for any help you can give me in these areas would be most appreciated.

Nancy Melucci
On the road in NYC

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