Dear Fellow Tipsters,

The retirement cleaning continues with the following materials up for grabs.
Is anybody interested in copies of the American Psychologist from January
1972 to December 1996.  I realize that many libraries shift from paper
copies to microfilm copies in order to save space, which lowers the value of
old paper copies.  While it would be easiest to give the entire collection
away at once, I will consider giving smaller numbers away if need be.

Hopefully there is somebody out there who can put these materials to use in
a class assignment or maybe a faculty member at a new or small school with a
limited library collection.  Again these materials will be given away on a
first come first serve basis.  I would appreciate reimbursement for shipping

Hoping that I can "recycle" these periodicals in the academic world rather
than just pitching them!

Michael Bergmire
Psychology Department
Jefferson College
Hillsboro, MO 63050

(636) 797-3000, ext. 347  

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