First, I want to thank Don for the great summary.  I have a 
question about the student letter of evaluation.  Should it be 
sealed and enclosed with the teaching portfolio or sent 
directly to the search committee?  Should I refer to the 
letter somewhere in the application and explain how/why this 
student was chosen and when (a former, rather than current,
student, for obvious reasons)?  Thanks in advance.

Pam Shapiro

Don Rudawsky wrote:

>  Some of you may recall this thread from a few months ago when I posed
> the question.  Well, completing my first batch of job applications and
> the fact that I thought that the responses I received were going to
> the whole list kept me from posting a summary and a thanks.  So
> without further ado - Thanks to all who provided helpful suggestions.
> That is of course if they help me get a job (heavy sarcasm).  And,
> here's a summary of responses:
> When I started I was focused on a summary of teaching evaluations,
> which is what the job announcements that I was applying for
> requested.  However, most responses suggested that this summary be put
> in the context of a teaching portfolio which includes a statement of
> teaching philosophy, and potentially many other items.  As it turns
> out, there are many sources (both web-based and old school paper/book
> format) for help with preparing teaching portfolios.  Here are a few
> of the web based sources:

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