Tipsters, a few days ago we discussed an article in the Chronicle regarding how
psychology Ph.D.'s are taking jobs in industry rather than in academe

Well, in this week's issue (January 19th) of Science, in the 'News This Week'
section (p. 408-409) there is a related article about a new survey of graduate
students titled: "Student Survey Highlights Mismatch of Training, Goals".  To give
you an idea of the thrust of the article, its author writes: 

" ... A new report, based on a survey of U.S. graduate students, finds a
mismatch between student goals, their training, and their actual careers'.  It
recommends major changes in to better prepare graduate students for today's
economic realities, including a greater emphasis on teaching, more information
about the job market, and support for those interested in nonacademic career

The graduate students sampled included those in biology, chemistry, mathematics,
and psychology.  Unfortunately, does not provide a free link to the
article.  However, the actual report may be obtained from

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Miguel Roig, Ph.D.                      Voice: (718) 390-4513 
Assoc. Prof. of Psychology              Fax: (718) 442-3612 
Dept. of Psychology                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
St. John's University                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
300 Howard Avenue                 ;
Staten Island, NY 10301           
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