Hoping not to sound like I agree with MS, I thought I'd
point out that Bush picked John J. DiIulio to head the White 
House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. He's
also the Director of the Center for Research on Religion 
and Urban Civil Society at the University of Pennsylvania. 

He has lots of data and was consulted by both Bush and Gore
during the campaign.

And, DiIulio wrote this in the "Weekly Standard" after the election:
"The arguments that ended the battle and 'gave' Bush the 
presidency are constitutionally disingenuous at best. They 
will come back to haunt conservatives and confuse, if 
they do not cripple, the principled conservative case for 
limited government." 

Doesn't exactly sound like a yes-man. Maybe he ponied up some
cash and bought the position. Oops. Wrong administration.


Thomas A. Timmerman, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Psychology Department
Austin Peay State University
Clarksville, TN 37044

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