Hello all,

I'm going to be offering Sensation and Perception for the first time this
fall and was wondering if any TIPSters could recommend a text. I was
prepping this course years ago, but accepted another position before I
actually got to teach it. At the time, I was favoring Matin & Foley (4th
ed). That book (a 1997 text) has not been updated since. I had also looked
at Sekuler & Blake, which has a new edition coming out this summer. Are
there any others worth considering?

Thanks for your help,

Larry Z. Daily
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Department of Psychology
White Hall, Room 213
Shepherd College
Shepherdstown, West Virginia 25443

phone: (304) 876-5297
WWW: http://webpages.shepherd.edu/LDAILY/index.html

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