A few days ago I asked for text recommendations for a sensation and
perception course. The responses have died down, so I figure we're done.
Here's what came up:

First, thanks to all who responded with a text recommendation. I appreciate
folks taking time to help out.

Two people said that they're using Matlin and Foley (1997). Fairness
requires that I mention that one of the two is Hugh Foley. Both said that if
they were to switch, they'd go with Goldstein. One other person reported
having used M&F in the past and had disliked some of the descriptions in the

One person really liked Coren, Ward, and Enns (1999), but another said that
students had a hard time understanding it.

Two recommended Schiffman (2000) with one saying that Goldstein is the
leading text.

Oddly, no one reported actually using Goldstein.

Finally, no one especially liked Sekular and Blake. Of the two who mentioned
it, one expressed an interest in seeing the new edition that's coming out
this summer and the other said that he'd not switch to it.

That's it for now. I've ordered copies of all the books that folks
recommended. Thanks to all again for the help.


Larry Z. Daily
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Department of Psychology
White Hall, Room 213
Shepherd College
Shepherdstown, West Virginia 25443

phone: (304) 876-5297
WWW: http://webpages.shepherd.edu/LDAILY/index.html

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