At 04:51 PM 3/9/01 -0800, Traci Giuliano wrote:
>Hey Tipsters - I'd like to set up a simple (I think) reaction time 
>experiment in which participants see sentences and make judgments about 
>each sentence by pressing a key (and of course, have the data recorded 
>automatically). Can anyone recommend good software for setting this up? 
>One of my research assistants has briefly explored MacLab and Superlab, 
>but it seems to her (I haven't verified this myself) that these have 
>"canned" programs and are not easy to edit for our use. If someone knows 
>how to set up such an experiment in one of these programs or can suggest 
>other software for doing so, I'd really appreciate it!

I suggest e-prime... it is very user-friendly, and the kind of experiment 
you are talking about would take less than a few hours to program once you 
knew your way around the software.

Stephen W. Tuholski Ph.D.               
Asst. Professor                         
Dept. of Psychology
Southern Illinois U. at Edwardsville
Edwardsville IL 62026
Phone: 618 650 5391             
Fax: 618 650 5087

"Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so."
                        - Bertrand Russell                                      

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