I give a similar assignment to my students (have them select a character
from a movie or book) but this year, since these are high school students, I
wanted to try to incorporate what they have been studying in other classes.
They are currently reading A Streetcar Named Desire in English. It has been
suggested (by the English teacher)that they could diagnose Blanche but I
myself am a little confused as to which personality disorder, if any, would
Thank you in advance for any advice
India Barrington
International Baccalaureate High School
Bartow, Florida

On Thu, 08 Mar 2001 13:51:27 -0500, Beth Benoit wrote:

>  So I often have them select a character from a book or movie (preferably
>  with an obvious diagnosis, such as Glenn Close's "Fatal Attraction"
>  character, who was a borderline, or Sigourney Weaver's agoraphobic/panic
>  disorder character in "Copycat"). They must come up with a diagnosis,
>  explain what the disorder is, what its characteristics are, and what
>  behavior the character exhibits to warrant this diagnosis.  Then they
>  come up with two suggested treatment plans, based on at least two
>  models of psychopathology (most frequent choices are biological and
>  behavioral) and finally, estimate how successful treatment is likely to
>  based on observations like family support, past treatment successes or
>  failures, motivation, etc.  If there are no clues to any of these, I
>  them to suggest things, as long as they document that they're "supplying
>  information" since the book or movie didn't. Students seem to really get
>  into it.  Only side effect was that a couple of students chose movies I
>  hadn't seen, so I rented the movies so I could judge for myself...
>   Beth Benoit
>   Daniel Webster College
>   College for Lifelong Learning
>   Portsmouth NH

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