New Scientist Online News
I received this from another list and thought I would pass it on.

Jeff Nagelbush
Ferris State University

Dark thoughts
Freud may have been right: people can suppress memories

Michael Anderson and Collin Green of the University of Oregon in Eugene 
32 people to memorise a list of 50 or so simple pairs of words, such as
"ordeal" and "roach".

The volunteers were then presented with the first word and asked either to
recall the second or banish it from their minds for four seconds. Volunteers
were asked to suppress the second word between zero and 16 times.

The researchers found that volunteers were much less able to recall words 
had been repressed many times - even when they were offered money to 
"I'm not making the claim that you're forgetting the memory," says Anderson.
"It's inhibited, not erased."

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