Dear Tipsters,

I know that there are some problems withcumulative final exams 
(e.g., large amount to remember, stress, studying for the exam. does 
not mean you remember aftrerwards), but I believe in them for the 
following reasons:

1. It permits an assessment of the degree to which people integrate 
material. This is the most important goal for me.

2. It permits students to overcome earlier mistakes - if you know it 
in the end that is what matters. I raise the in-class mid-term grade 
a bit if the final exam. grade is better.

3. The stress is realistic - life outside academe may call for
performance under stressful conditions.



Stuart J. McKelvie, Ph.D.,                Phone: (819)822-9600
Department of Psychology,                 Extension 2402
Bishop's University,                      Fax: (819)822-9661
3 Route 108 East,
Lennoxville,                              e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quebec J1M 1Z7,

Bishop's University Psychology Department Web Page:

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