On Thu, 29 Mar 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello again,
> I am going to share with you (uninvited) a typical essay section for exam 1 
> in intro psychology. I am proud of these questions - I think they are 
> enjoyable and challenging for the student to answer and drive home the 
> important points I am trying to me. If you think that they are not good, I 
> would appreciate the reality check and your feedback.  If you like them, you 
> may use them without giving me any credit. I will be happy to supply a 
> scoring standard at your request, though I trust you can develop your own.
> Nancy Melucci
> Worth 40 points.
> Answer ONE (1) out of FIVE (6) options.
> Answer parts A and B, please.
> 1. A. Create three good questions about the structure or functions of the 
> human nervous system.
> B. Answer one of your questions thoroughly.
> 2. A. Melucci says "You have to learn to see." What is she going on about?
> B. Define "sensory interaction" and give one example of this process in 
> humans.
> 3. A. Describe one case of brain damage or disease process from which we have 
> learned about the amazing brain.
> B. Identify and describe one of the new technologies that allow us to image 
> the brain, and ask one question that you'd like to see answered by this 
> question in the next decade.
> 4. A. Describe one research method that is used in the science of psychology, 
> including its strengths and weaknesses.
> B. Identify one question that you'd like to see answered using this research 
> method - briefly describe a study that might be done using this research 
> method.
> 5. A. Describe the anatomy and functioning of one (1) of the seven senses.
> B.Define the term "Perceptual Set" (AKA "mental set") and explain why it is 
> important to know about this aspect of human cognitive processing.
> 6.  "You only use 10% of your brain!"
>     " I am not very logical - I must be right brained and very creative too!"
>     "Men listen with only one side of their brains, and women use both, so 
> there's proof that women are better listeners than men are!"
> A.Imagine that your friend says one of these things to you. Now that you have 
> learned about the brain, what would you say to your friend in response to the 
> claim they are making?
> B. Tell me one true fact that you would share with your friend about the 
> anatomy and function of the amazing human brain.
> (A couple of other favorites of mine:)
> 1.     Your friend just read the results of a research study that concludes 
> that babies wholisten to Mozart and Bach achieve higher grades in elementary 
> and highschool.  She is stoked about this and is rushing out to buy $100.00 
> worth of classical music CDs to play for her newborn.  What questions would 
> youencourage your friend to ask before she makes such a large investment 
> based onthese findings?
> 1.     What questions would you want to ask a person who claims that he or 
> she has ESP and other alleged “paranormal” powers?  What type of evidence 
> would you like to back up these claims?
      A friend of mine who is about to take his oral comprehensives for
his PhD could not answer those questions.

Michael Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida

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