On Tue, 24 Apr 2001, Beth Benoit wrote:

> At the risk of fanning a flame, just a little, I feel I should respond to
> the following point made by Michael Sylvester, since it was in response to a
> comment I made:
> > As to attack on opinions,let me say this about that.Some opinions
> > may be based on reliable experiences and observations and inferences
> > based on these should not be discarded...
> > When I compare and contrast cultures,I know what I am noting
> > because I was raised and educated in differing cultures.
> Come on, Michael, surely you know better than to use one person's (yours)
> observations as a "proof" of anything.
 But if these observations can be agreed upon by others then there
is a consensus.Actually,the number of persons may not be the critical
variable. Even in research,baloney is still baloney even though
it is researched.
What is a flame anyway?
Michael Sylvester

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