An interesting article on educational standards from the NY Times.



April 15, 2001

Why Johnny Can't Read, Write, Multiply or Divide


"The book I would like to write about is called "Of Mice and Men" and
there were two main real characters but the character I want to write
about the character his name is Lenny, he really issn't the main
character of the book "Of Mice and Men." But in the story he played a
keyrole. Lenny wassn't the smartest person but he was a real good
worker. But nobody really listened to him cause everybody thought that
he was stupid, but Lenny is just a little slow so nobody would pay
attention to Lenny everybody would make fun of him.

THIS stew of misspellings and bad grammar was composed recently by a
Massachusetts high school student. It was an answer on the state's new
graduation proficiency exam, which, starting this year, everyone must
pass to earn a diploma.

The student had been asked to identify and explain the importance of a
secondary character in a work of literature — or, in the words of
another future grad, a "charicter" in a "storey." The excerpt above met
the criteria for "proficient," and Massachusetts is considered to have
some of the most rigorous high school standards in the country.

State education officials, reacting to complaints that the test was too
hard, posted this and other examples of student work on the state's Web
site to show what it takes to pass the new test. The answers (at www.doe range from amusing (one high-scoring
student cited a James Bond novel as "literature") to alarming (44
percent of those who passed did not know that 21 is 75 percent of 28).
Taken as a group, they expose the dirty little secret of the standards
movement sweeping the country: schools may be demanding more of
students, but they still aren't demanding much.

Most of the high school graduation tests are actually written to
10th-grade standards, "but most people would be hard-pressed to say this
is what a 10th-grade education should look like," said David T. Conley,
a professor of education policy at the University of Oregon. Still, he
said, "Even starting out with low standards, just putting them in place
has been a tremendous shock to kids who can't even do ninth-grade work."

Most of the 28 states that now have graduation exams actually give them
to students in the 10th grade. They do so for fear of lawsuits, since
the courts have ruled in several cases that students must be given
several chances to pass the test. This means that tests assessing a
"high school education" really measure a 10th-grade education. And since
the states set fairly low bars for passing, that level more accurately
reflects what an eighth grader should have learned.

States are well aware of this. Michael W. Kirst, a professor of
education at Stanford and a member of the board that determined that the
California exit exam should be given in 10th grade, said the panel was
told to set the test to the standards for seventh and eighth grades. In
the recent court case charging New York State with shortchanging
students in New York City, the state defended itself by arguing that all
it had to provide was an eighth-grade education, because that was what
was needed to pass the Regents Competency Tests.

Most states require anywhere from 18 to 24 course credits as well as the
test to graduate. But there is no telling how rigorous those courses may
be. There are still more states (29) that require physical education for
high school graduation than there are those that require algebra (13) or
biology (8).

"I'd stress that it's higher than it was before," said Wayne Martin,
director of the state assessment center for the Council of Chief State
School Officers. New York State is raising the demands on new Regents
tests, and North Carolina is now phasing out a graduation exam that was
set at an eighth-grade level. Under its "Passport" tests, Virginia used
to test students for graduation at the sixth-grade level. Recognizing
that this was a passport to little more than seventh grade, the state is
now phasing in tests that will be taken at the end of high school
courses in six subject areas.

Partly, the defining downward of competence reflects the fact that a
state politician wishing to remain in office might prefer a test that
graduates a lot of students, rather than one that genuinely assesses how
well schools are doing. In Nevada, Professor Conley says, the state
simply looked for what cutoff score would allow about 80 percent of
students to pass, and set the passing mark there. In Virginia, parents
and teachers recently pressured the state into softening the standards
needed to pass the tougher new tests, because even state officials
conceded that they were so high that few students could meet them.

BUT there is also a concern for students' self- esteem, as well as a
reluctance to prevent anyone from going to college.

"The European system is quite comfortable saying not everyone is going
to get to the higher standard, not everyone is going to go on to higher
education," Professor Conley said. "We're not comfortable with that."

The Education Commission of the States, a nonpartisan research group
based in Denver, and several universities are pushing a project known as
K-16, an effort to ensure that state proficiency tests measure whether
students know enough to take college freshman courses. This would make
them roughly like the competency tests universities administer to
entering classes.

As envisioned, the tests would demonstrate whether students could infer
and synthesize — skills those working on the K-16 project say are not
required to pass the current crop of graduation exams.

"A reasonable standard for the 21st century is that if you can't go on
to further education, you're going to be severely handicapped,"
Professor Kirst said. "If you can't do work at a community college
level, that's a pretty good standard for saying you shouldn't be able to
graduate from high school."

At the very least, advocates for higher standards say, states should
resist the pressure to loosen the standards in place.

"This is a minimal standard that our higher education and business
communities are telling us they can work with," said Alan Safran, a
deputy commissioner of education in Massachusetts. "These kids can't
make it with anything less."

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