Tipsters, there is a good article in the latest issue of Eye on Psi Chi on the
subject of forensic psychology.  It was written by Matthew T. Huss of Creighton
University and it is targeted to psychology students who are curious about this
field.  Check it out at: 

>From the article: 

"Forensic psychology is one of the fastest growing areas of psychology as
both by an increase in the practice of clinical psychology within our legal system
and the increasing interest expressed by undergraduate and graduate students.
However, students often become interested in the field because of sensationalistic
media portrayals that may not be accurate nor offer realistic employment
opportunities. Students may become disheartened to learn that certain media
depictions are less than realistic but should be excited to learn about the real
possibilities forensic psychology has to offer. This article will attempt to
describe the field of forensic psychology, identify possible careers, and suggest
relevant training opportunities."

I intend to make this article available to every student who expresses an interest
in this field.

<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< 
Miguel Roig, Ph.D.                      Voice: (718) 390-4513 
Assoc. Prof. of Psychology              Fax: (718) 442-3612 
Dept. of Psychology                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
St. John's University                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
300 Howard Avenue                 
Staten Island, NY 10301           
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