Hello all,

I got the impression when I asked about S&P texts a while back that there
are some really knowledgable S&P folks on TIPS. So, here's one that stumped
me (though that's not so difficult to do. :-)

A colleague in economics has a daughter who wants to do a science fair
project on whether person A can perceive whether person B is looking at A
(without, of course, A looking at B). Mom's pretty savvy, so they've got a
nice little study designed, but they came to me to see if psychologists know
anything about the topic. I can't even think of a name for this type of
perception to go look it up (though I did look through all the cool S&P
texts folks recommended). Can anyone help out with this?


If the beginning of wisdom is the statement "I do not know" then I must be
the wisest person on Earth.

Larry Z. Daily
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Department of Psychology
White Hall, Room 213
Shepherd College
Shepherdstown, West Virginia 25443

phone: (304) 876-5297
WWW: http://webpages.shepherd.edu/LDAILY/index.html

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