We're in the process of revisiting the organization of our subject pool
requirements and organization for our Intro Psych class. Our
experimental requirement is 8 credits (1 credit = 30 minutes). I know
that there are many systems out there. I'm hoping to get some
suggestions on feedback with regard to several issues:

1) how do you handle students who don't finish their requirement?
(this is the issue I am MOST concerned about)

2) what kind of alternative assignment do you have for students who
don't wish to be in experiments?

3) how do you track their participation? (Some places experimenters do
all the tracking, others students are responsible for handing in

4) If you have a system in which students are expected to "track" their
own attendance (with some sort of card or form), how do you handle

Any comments about systems that didn't work well (especially of the this

was a terrible disaster variety) or systems that did work particularly
well would be greatly appreciated. I should add that we have a very
limited budget here so expensive software-based tracking is probably out

of the question.

--Thanks in advance.

Carla E. Grayson, Ph.D.
The University of Montana
Dept. of Psychology
Missoula, MT 59812
Phone:   406 243-2391
Fax:     406 243-6366

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