----- Original Message -----
From: "Harry Erwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: Neural Representations of Trajectories
> "Ron Blue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I assume you mean that a representation of an object moves in
> > neuro net?
> > This would be similar to a oscillon moving in an interacting wavelet
> > with two standing reference frequencies.  I have links to oscillons at
> > web site http://turn.to/ai .
> >
> > Ron Blue

> Ron, you know where I'm coming from. I'm asking how an approximately 2D
> neural network can be 4D topologically.
> --
> Dr. Harry Erwin, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://world.std.com/~herwin
The 2D plus time is the model of an oscillon system.  In the brain it would
be three dimensional plus time.  This suggest to me that there must be three
or more reference standing frequencies with an informational overwrite on
two or more of the reference standing frequencies.  The informational
overwrite is the data or representation.

It has to be a holographic interference being generated or imagined as a
moving position in the brain's neuro matrix.  A type of  moving high
activity area which means the object or symbolic representation of an
external reality.  Relative to your reports, a fourth relationship exist.
The time displacement of the object recorded in declining vectors around the
present.  You should be observing the middle of the data is the present.
The old data positions is the past, and you should be seeing the estimated
future.  This should give you 4 plus dimensions.  It also could be
interpreted as support for a quantum model.  Your report suggest the
imagining area is a tube with a track history around the tube and probably a
tract future.  If this is true you should be able to observe that the
strength declines as you move away from the middle of the track.  One
direction being the weighted history of the past and the other direction
being the weighted estimate of the future.  I would have thought that rather
than be a continuous track the representation of the object would have
modulated in out of existence like an oscillon with decline strengths.  Just
like an oscillon you should notice that as the calculations approach the end
of the tube they start at the beginning as if out of nothing.

Ron Blue

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