
Thanks so much for an excellent resource.  It is an excellent way to illustrate a complex concept.  Now for a request:  I'd love to be able to demonstrate this in class but I can't always get on-line in all of my classrooms. Do you (or does anyone) know how to make a screen capture "video" of this site so that I could play it back in a stand-alone fashion.

Thanks for your help,



Resource for teaching about cognition, from an inactive TIPS member:

To all interested,

If you discuss associative networks (sometimes covered in cognition or
memory), I found a fantastic resource/example:

Go to

After arriving, you must wait a few seconds for the thesaurus to download.
When you see the words indicating the download is complete, click on those
very words to open a new window on the visual thesaurus.  Try clicking
"auto-navigate" and then typing the word "process" into the word entry field
located toward the bottom; then press <enter>.  What you see is very similar
to an example of state-of-the-art AI that I was shown at UCSD in 1983.

This is an indication of how far computer processing power has come and how
available that power has become in the past two decades. That something as
complex as the visual thesaurus is just one of many sights on the net simply
amazes me.

(Christian Hart, Sometime TIPS member)

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