Michael Sylvester wrote:

  how about the law of parsimony. Why look for complex solutions
if a simple solution would do.

Aside from your misapplication of the principle, simple solutions are
appropriate for simple problems. Terrorism is not a simple problem nor, to
paraphrase Sandra Scarr, is this a simple world. To be quite honest, I
believe that offering that there are simple solutions to this problem, that
there is a direct causal connection between the Israel Palestine problem
(which has exsisted for far longer than the US), and other such nonsense is
disrespectful to Israel, Palestine, and the lives of the victims of this
tragedy. Such simplifications presuppose that Palestine is the perpetrator;
That Israel could have prevented it or bears responsibility for the acts;
That the US controls its allies and its enemies. All of which is absurd.
Michael- this level of simplification is inconsistent with reasoned
Tim Shearon

Albertson College of Idaho
Caldwell, Idaho 83713

Neurpsychology, psychopharmacology, history and systems of psychology.

Michael Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Flprida

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